How to step up your blog!
Go to
You will need to create a gmail account outside
of your address if you don’t already have one. Make sure you log
off of your cymail before trying to log in with the other account.
Once you log in, find the “New blog” button on
the left side of the screen.
Create a name for your blog and a URL. We
suggest using your name for the URL but the title of your blog is up to you.
Please keep it appropriate.
Choose a theme. Make sure you choose one that is
not distracting from the message you will be sending with your blog posts. For
those who are internet savvy, there is a option for a custom theme of your choice.
Make it your own!
Make sure you go to the top right corner once you
are done creating your blog. There you will find a drop down tab with your name.
Select the link to your Blogger profile and then choose edit profile.
Create your profile as you wish. Please upload a
photo of yourself at the bare minimum. Make sure it is just a photo of you by
yourself or have anyone else in the photo cropped out. You don’t want to
misrepresent yourself. Keep it appropriate! For those who want, there are
plenty of places to share more information with us and your fellow
Send your blog URL to Megan AND Mike for us to
compile a class list so we can all follow one another for the blogging
assignment. For reference, our emails are
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